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Math Studies mini projects IB curriculum grid and planetqhe An Exemplar Project Template Project one - Chevalier de Mere 1 Project two - Chevalier de Mere 2 Project three - Birthdays Project four Monty Hall Design a distorted die

The four "Mini projects" in this section can be used to help Maths Studies students begin to;

Learn skills appropriate for project work

Develop an understanding of the form and structure of a project

Understand the processes involved in writing a project

Become familiar with the assessment criteria and the way in which achievement levels are awarded

I have provided a template in this section for students to paste their work into, and an Exemplar of my own to give an example of what I'd expect for this type of mini-project. A collection of activities from this site could be compiled into portfolio assignments for Maths Methods or Maths Higher although I confess that it was easiest to do this under the 'old' type II of Extended closed problem solving. Nevertheless there is potential for Mathematical Modelling and Investigations in some of the activities.